Bantry Bay
Half Day – 4 hours
Glengarriff: Driving through the Caha Pass tunnels into County Cork is an experience not to be missed, as too is the village of Glengarriff, home for many years to the actress Maureen O’Hara.
Garnish Island: After a short ferry ride, across Bantry Bay we visit ‘Ilnacullin’ with its stunning gardens and incredible story of the Bryce family that lived on the island.
Bantry Market: A colourful street-lined market where you can purchase pottery, woven baskets and a few hens!
Bonane: A small village which was first settled more than 6,000 years ago. Here we visit Molly Gallivan’s 200-year-old cottage, where you can see how life was lived before electricity was introduced, along with enjoying the comfort of a welcome coffee, home baking and a drop of ‘poitín’.